Friday, November 14, 2008

Things I just don't understand (ca. 2005)

Life's little mysteries? Not really. Enigmas? Nope.

The following is a list (I plan to grow) of all the things I encounter in life which require explanation or clarification:

Why would anyone ever buy a Chrysler PT Cruiser? Or for that matter, then join a club with other like-minded people?

What's the story with these furry steering wheel covers? Come on -- do they really think that the added comfort is worth the sacrifice in style? Can these be safe?

I know it's really just an extension of the item above, but what about Sheepskin seat covers? Who thinks these look good? Please raise your hoof. This trend should have died with rolled up sleeves on seersucker sports coats.

This is more of an advisory than anything. For those people who have yet to master the self-checkout lanes at the grocery store: PLEASE STOP TRYING. The rest of us have other errands to get to, and have grown tired of watching you try to scan your bananas. The not-so-friendly 17-year old in lane seven would be glad to help you.

How much of an alcoholic do you have to be to purchase a CD of jazz specifically designed for martini consumption?

Am I the only one who cannot tell Nick Nolte from Gary Busey? Also -- when did Nick Nolte die, and why did no one tell him?

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